My first family portraits. The first two of many, I hope. Two sweet families on the same day. This shoot was a simple, relaxing, crisp, fall day. The Mann's prepared pulled pork for dinner, and we had a nice evening of photos and fellowship. Another honor.
The Triplett's
You may have read my post last December when I displayed The Triplett's quite adorable little one bedroom apartment. I have enjoyed the blessing of this family in my life in the past year, or so. They are an encouraging, delightful, God-fearing family, and their personality is beyond contagious and easy to be around. They are real and they love Jesus with authenticity to those around them. They love the Gospel, they love their children, and they are their own. Adam, Megan, Elliott and Haddon Triplett:
The Mann's
The Mann Fam. First off, I love that they're from the South. Tennessee, specifically. And this family, as much as the Triplett's, also have amazing interior decorating skills. Love their home. It's cozy and aesthetically pleasing, and I always feel so at home because of their hospitality. They're also very generous people. They've lent me their most-likely-expensive Nikon camera to get my photography business started for free. They are trusting and extremely kind. Dave, Laura, Eadie Cate, Levi and June:

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