I get to live with a family. A wife and husband who love Jesus dearly, and their two adorable children. A place of life and love, of play, of al fresco, Deacon Vader's, Chronicle of Narnia on tape, Newman's Lemonade, the color pink, and Hello Kitty. A place where giving is normal and serving is a gift. A place where prayer is not just before a meal, but a thanksgiving to God for all of His wonderful gifts. I am beyond the word blessed, but how else can I say it?
I don't think I ever imagined this place on that rainy day in May, while the Taylor family vacationed in Mexico. But my imagination is limited by my human ability, and that's where God comes in with the plan. What in the world is happening? I don't know. Out of all places, I am here. I am in a place where my independence is not welcomed, and I am forced to live in community. I guess I have always lived in community, but I have never felt as if God were asking me to throw away my independence. I feel as if I am in a place in life where God has asked me to serve. To be a part of something beautiful, like a family. To find myself outside of my independence and my comfort zone, outside of my selfishness and entitlements, and into dependence and humility.
I remind myself of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the humility he had to take on human flesh. To submit to his creation, and to die a death I could never die after living a life I could never, ever live. I am basking is his love for me, and I am overwhelmed at how great his love is.
It is so sweet to trust in Jesus.
"Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds." (Matthew 6:26; Message).
I believe it is a beautiful thing to be ripped of independence. And many would probably disagree. But I see that life is born when we need one another, and when we are so aware of it that we are compelled to serve one another out of the understanding that we are only alive when we rely on each other, and ultimately, God. I can never live in isolation, apart from humanity. There can be no life, then. It is not good for us to be alone.
In my need of a home, the Hamilton family jumped right on the opportunity to give me one. People like that are what define the body of Christ. Those who serve and meet the needs of people who can't do it alone. I can't do it alone. And I am beyond thankful, and also inspired by the generosity of the Hamilton's. There is not an ounce of regret in me for moving to Vancouver. I am in this, and am prayerful for this season. I pray that I learn what it means to serve, and to do it well. I pray that I learn what it means to be fully dependent on God, and to submit my desires into His hands for his purposes. It is a difficult prayer to pray, but I'm ready. With much grace, I am ready.
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